Neutrino Energy

These days, there’s a major international push to stop the environmental abuse caused by fossil fuels. Amid all the climate change hysteria, it’s easy to miss the bigger ecological disaster that petrochemicals have caused: plastic and toxin accumulation.

The production of petrochemicals releases carcinogens and genetic modifiers into the food and water supply, and plastic trash pollution is taking on a scale no one would have ever thought imaginable. Ending our reliance on fossil fuels will mark the first major step toward dealing with this crisis, and neutrino energy will provide us with the crutch we need to take our next leap into the stars.

A looming ecological crisis goes ignored

It’s scary when people have to focus on the disastrous effects of climate change to avoid paying attention to the horrific ecological crisis that has been ongoing since the 1950s. When companies like DuPont discovered how to make plastics and other synthetic materials, we thought we’d found our salvation. Little did we realize at the time, however, that these fossil-fuel-based substances would harm our environment so drastically that a few degrees of global temperature change would look like child’s play.

At this moment, enormous islands of plastic trash, mainly produced by China, loom in the Pacific Ocean, and our tampering with synthetic substances like xenoestrogens is harming and mutating plant, animal, and of course, human life all around the world. As a race, we collectively played God without the wisdom to see it through, and the deal with the devil we made to gain access to the bounty of fossil fuels is about to come due.

Petrochemicals and fossil fuels have to go

As long as people use fossil fuels for power, we will also use these toxic substances in industry. The appeal of petrochemical-based plastics is still too strong, and until we remove fossil fuels from the equation altogether, we will never bee free of the non-biodegradable mass of junk that is encroaching from all sides.

It’s clear that the human race would not have ascended to its current pinnacle of development without fossil fuels, but we must discard this „booster rocket“ to gain the velocity we need to break free from the orbit of yesterday’s sins. None of us alive was responsible for the widespread use of fossil fuels and petrochemicals, but it will be our generation that respectfully bids farewell to a power source that has outlived its welcome.

Free energy will lead to even freer manufacturing technologies

The advent of petrochemicals was such an enormous event in the history of human industrial evolution that we’re still staggering from the implications of this breakthrough. It’s hard to imagine a world without petroleum-based plastics and fuels, but already, manufacturing scientists are proving that it can be done.

Major manufacturers are moving to plant-based plastics, which are highly biodegradable, and in many places, drinking straws made with plastic petrochemicals are out of vogue or outright banned. While we’ll need to tackle foreign polluters like China before we can make any significant headway in fighting back against the impact of petrochemicals on the environment, steps like these still represent a sea change in the ongoing cultural battle over humanity’s future.

In the future, our decreased reliance on fossil fuels for energy will reduce the role that petrochemicals play in our lives, and it will finally be economically feasible to tackle the threat that fossil fuels pose to every living person on the planet. Even more threatening, however, is the urge to panic and throw away all our technological gains, so we must walk, not run, toward the gleaming „EXIT“ sign at the end of the fossil fuel hell that humanity accidentally wandered into.

The Neutrino Energy Group is bringing neutrinovoltaics to consumers

Gradually embracing renewable energy technologies is inarguably the way of the future, but until recently, the current state of science and technology in the renewables industry was not advanced enough to handle the world’s power load. It will still be a number of years before the world completes the switch to renewable energy sources, but we finally have the practicable technology that will take us there.

Founded by German energy physicist Holger Thorsten Schubart, the Neutrino Energy Group is an international consortium of international physics and engineering geniuses drawn together by their shared dedication to lighting a path toward humanity’s sustainable future. Building on the work of Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald, Schubart and the Neutrino Energy group are building devices that generate electricity from the kinetic energy of neutrinos. Before long, the world’s burgeoning neutrino energy infrastructure will take on some of the load currently carried by fossil fuels, and together with other renewable energy technologies, neutrinovoltaics will rid us of the specter of petrochemicals forever.

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