The Neutrino Energy Group is making it happen
Neutrinovoltaics will change devices forever

Our electronic devices are evolving rapidly. Ten years ago, the smartphone was a cutting-edge innovation, but these days, modern smartphones have already so completely outstripped their predecessors that the original iPhone looks like a veritable dinosaur compared to the new iPhone 11. In the coming years, device technology will take even further leaps into a utopian future, and we’ll need to embrace equally utopian power sources to keep up. At present, smartphones and other electronic devices need to be charged at least once per day, but in the future, smartphones will charge themselves.

The current state of consumer technologies

According to Moore’s law, technology will continue to become more sophisticated at an ever-increasing rate. During no other generation has this principle been more apparent: Children born in 1990, for instance, remember VCRs and dial-up, but the adults they’ve now become are acquainted with smart homes, CarPlay, and all the other trappings of our highly technological civilization.

As with all things in modernity, however, our ability to use our high-tech devices is predicated on access to energy. An energy crisis of epic proportions is currently at work in our world, and it is the stem of all the various crises that plague our civilization. From wars over oil to environmental pollution to the threat of greenhouse gases, our reliance on outdated forms of energy like fossil fuels is severely curtailing humanity’s ability to develop its technology further.

Reliance on batteries is holding us back

While fossil fuels may be the root of the issue, batteries are the arena in which smartphone and other device designers are currently being challenged the most. Lithium-ion batteries have come along way in the last few years, but batteries still restrict the ways that consumers can use their electronic devices.

The use of batteries makes it impossible for consumer technology to be truly decentralized since consumers are forced to remain near charging stations if they wish to keep their devices operable. In most cases, the power sources that supply energy to the batteries in smartphones are fed by coal-burning power plants that release pollution into the air, lead to geopolitical strife, and lure humanity ever closer to the brink of destruction.

The future’s devices will be self-powered

Many technologies that are currently in place would have seemed like magic just a few centuries ago. Starting with the television and then gaining steam with the personal computer, the innovations that humanity has dreamed up have forever altered our understanding of each other and our place in the universe. They have also forced us to revise the limits of what is possible with human ingenuity. So, we must not make the mistake of failing to have faith in the technologies that humanity will develop in the future.

Already, it’s becoming apparent that the devices we’ve created are taking on lives of their own. They interface with us in every aspect of our lives via an opt-in system that brings more benefits than it does detractors.

We now have the ability to know anything in a moment, command in artificial intelligence assistant to do our dirty work, and communicate with each other in ways that would’ve been unimaginable just two or three decades ago. All this technological sophistication, however, is built atop a shifting foundation of fossil fuel consumption. Existing renewable energy technology is not capable of taking on the needs of such a high-tech population, which means that we will be forced to deindustrialize if we do not pursue new energy technologies to the fullest extent possible.

Neutrinovoltaics will change devices forever

In 2015, physicists working independently of each other in Canada in Japan simultaneously discovered that neutrinos have mass, solving one of the most enduring puzzles of modern physics. Long doubled the „ghost particle,“ the neutrino is an invisible cosmic particle, emitted by stars, that passes through everything we see all day, every day.

There will be neutrinos until every sun in the universe goes out. If these particles could be harnessed for energy, therefore, they would provide the limitless free energy that humanity has so strongly desired ever since the inception of the Industrial Age.

Now, it’s been done. Scientists at the University of Chicago have succeeded in generating electricity from the kinetic energy of passing neutrinos, and the Neutrino Energy Group, led by Holger Thorsten Schubart, is now developing consumer-level neutrino energy devices that will be small and simple enough in design to be included in the area currently set aside for batteries in smartphones. That’s not all, however: Eventually, neutrinovoltaic technology will be scaled up to the extent that it will be able to provide for the needs of the entire global energy grid.

The Neutrino Energy Group is making it happen

The day in which humanity subsists on an endless flow of free neutrino energy may still be a few decades off, but within the next few years, we will start seeing neutrino energy devices make their way into the market. This revolutionary technology is almost ready for implementation, and investors from all over the world are getting in on the ground floor of the energy technology that will finally depose fossil fuels from their tyrannical reign.

The right power sources would revolutionize the way we use our devices just as much as the development of the original iPhone. With 5G technology rolling out worldwide and the processing speed in your pocket increasing every year, it’s clear that we’re at the cusp of the next big turning point in the history o af human technological development.

At the same time, however, fueling all this technology with unsustainable power sources is counterintuitive. We need to end our reliance on fossil fuels if we want to truly see where the combined ingenuity of all mankind might take us. With the support of a world ready for change, the Neutrino Energy Group is making it happen.

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