Many wars across the globe can be linked back to mankind’s struggle for renewable, clean energy sources.
Today, a german team lead by Neutrino Group’s CEO, Holger Thorsten Schubart, works on just such an energy source. The team is putting together technology to convert cosmo-sourced neutrino energy into electrical power for consumers.
Schubart points to the world’s booming energy needs as the number one reason that turning cosmic energy into electricity is one of, if not the, most important projects for 21st century mankind.
This neutrino electricity idea may read like a sci-fi novel, but practical applications, such as a neutrino gadget to charge mobile devices, are already in development. The sky is the limit, or in this case, the source. Schubart’s team will also continue to work on bigger projects, such as a neutrino-powered electrical car.
Of course, the big prize would be to replace the conventional electricity sources that run today’s homes and businesses with the future of neutrino power. NEUTRINO Power-Cubes is just such a project. While an ambitious endeavor, the neutrino power could replace and eliminate producing and sourcing household electricity from coal, oil, and other environmentally-damaging energy sources. Neutrino energy could also be distributed without loss since it wouldn’t travel great distances from source to final destination.
Could Neutrino Be The Solution To The World’s Impending Energy Crisis?
A century after E=mc2, Canadian physicist Arthur McDonald and Japan’s Takaaki Kajita won a 2015 Nobel Prize for spearheading research that unlocked a brand new energy source called the neutrino, and it’s now a top contender to finally answer the world’s call for clean and renewable energy.
Neutrinos are elementary particles with a neutral electrical charge and a rest mass so tiny that it’s practically weightless. They pass through normal matter at the speed of light, unaltered, and unimpeded.
Neutrinos can originate artificially from a particle accelerator, nuclear reactors, and nuclear bombs. Most naturally occurring neutrinos near the earth are from nuclear reactions with the sun. Radioactive decay and nuclear reactions within stars are other sources. Per second in the vicinity of the earth, approximately 65 billion solar neutrinos pass through each square centimeter running perpendicular to the sun’s direction.
In other words, these high-energy particles travel to the earth unchanged and unseen in unlimited, continual streams. It’s massive amounts of free energy literally falling into earth’s lap.
For decades, science questioned the very existence of neutrinos. The Nobel Prize hushed those questions. Now, the question has been whether or not neutrinos can be successfully harnessed into a sustainable energy source.
Einstein’s E=mc2 is undoubtably the world’s most infamous equation. After all, it did give birth to the weapon of mass destruction known as the atom bomb. In a nutshell, the equation relates the mass of an object to its energy. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity states that anything, with any degree of mass, contains energy. Period. So, why is the possibility of something that clearly exists and clearly has energy being utilized be so far fetched in some minds?
As the technology for harnessing neutrino energy becomes more of a reality in-hand than a theory on paper, the world may yet again see naysayers hushed by neutrino-related Nobel Prizes. Neutrino transformers, for example, are making great headway. Imagine a transformer capable of doing everything solar cells do, but not being contingent on the sunlight and generating energy whether it’s day or night.
Neutrino energy isn’t mined. It’s inexhaustible. It doesn’t need to be transported.
It’s available year round without downtime. There aren’t any byproducts polluting the earth or contributing to global warming. Could neutrino energy be the world’s solution to the energy question mark?
Schubart says yes. He says that it’s time to convert an unlimited energy source gifted by the cosmos into energy we can use. He says the greatest challenge this and future generations face is in finding ways to tap into neutrino energy and then transition away from archaic traditional energy production. While not necessarily free, Schubart points out that the cost is significantly more free than the current sources of energy we utilize.
Professor Stephen William Hawking called neutrinos the energy source of the future.
While some futures have brought about destruction and fear, such as was in the case of the atom bomb, neutrino’s potential for a free, never-ending supply of energy that can be harnessed cheaply and responsibly is indeed bright. The source for the upcoming energy revolution may have very well been found; its just up to mankind to demand it be grabbed.