Controversy surrounds the idea of free energy. The subject is usually approached in two ways.

People either believe in the philosophical need for it, or they prefer to stick to what they already know. These are both valid points of view. It is normal to be wary of new innovations and developments. After all, how can energy be free?

The Science of Energy

There is enough scientific evidence to back the benefits of renewable energy. Einstein himself proved that energy and mass are directly related to one another. This is known as the Theory of Relativity. This theory explained that energy is the result of an equation between mass and the speed of light.Energy keeps the entire universe in motion. It is the driving force in nature. It may be untouchable, but we can perceive and observe some of it with our senses. It affects everything around us. A good example is when friction creates warmth or even a spark. Another example is the solar radiation we see shining from the sun. We comprehend it as light. However, we are unable to perceive most of the energy in our existence. Can new energy be acquired? Where can we find it? The First Law of Thermodynamics states that existing energy cannot perish. At the same time, it also says that new energy cannot come into being. Energy remains a constant in our world. Julius Robert Von Mayer helped prove this theory as far back as 1841. Now, energy can be converted from one form to another. Examples of different forms of energy include kinetic, electrical, thermal, and chemical.


The universe is composed of innumerable amounts of energy. The levels of which cannot be comprehended. However, one group of energy particles has gained massive attention lately. They used to be known as “ghost particles”. Now, scientists refer to them as neutrinos. Neutrinos enter the Earth’s atmosphere via the sun and deep space. Mankind has been captivated by them for years. Our species has always been obsessed with revealing the secrets of the universe, and neutrinos seemed to come with that promise. Plus, they came with a large amount of potential. Neutrinos aren’t as ghostly as experts once thought. We now know that each particle is composed of mass and energy. Scientists Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald won a Nobel prize for this discovery in 2015. Strangely enough, they worked independently. They eventually developed the correct measurement methods to prove that these particles indeed contain mass.

Research and Implementation

Billions of dollars are invested in current research that is focused on learning more about this phenomenon. However, scientists are motivated by more than just sheer curiosity. In fact, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology invested 60 million euros with the goal of detecting the exact mass of a neutrino. Once their team accomplishes this, it will be possible to measure neutrino radiation. This could be quantified in the same way we measure solar energy. For now, the energy potential of neutrinos remains a mystery to science. There is much more to know. What we do know is that neutrinos are created through the nuclear fusion between the stars and sun. Did you know that photons are the most common particles found in the universe? Well, neutrinos come in second. So far, scientists theorize that they are not held back by electromagnetic forces in the cosmos. However, part of the beauty of science is that this theory could be challenged in the future. As research on these mysterious particles continues, supporters and lobbyists for the energy industry are becoming nervous. As mentioned above, the power of neutrinos cannot yet be measured. If this becomes possible, free energy could be available on a scale that is unseen today. Mankind always dreams of a constant stream of energy.

If people can measure and harness this, fossil fuel companies will suffer. However, it is a small sacrifice for the greater good. These companies profit from the extraction, selling, and burning of extremely destructive fossil fuels like gas and oil. Neutrinos are raining down upon our planet in invisible waves of energy. The survival of humanity depends on whether this and other forms of free energy are put to good use. First, the appropriate technology must be developed to harness and transform their power. Currently, solar panels and windmills are used to harness and transform solar and wind energy into electricity. Neutrinos will need a corresponding instrument as well.

The Science and Philosophy Behind Free Energy

What is free energy exactly? If you had your own source of gas on your property, would you call it free? Would you consider owning solar panels or wind turbines to be in the same category? Maybe the source of free energy is the universe around us. However, free energy is literally free of charge and available in an endless supply. Gas and oil would not be considered renewable resources. Therefore, they cannot be considered free. They are limited. Another alternative to these dangerous fossil fuels would be a great leap forward for consumers and the planet. A cheaper and inexhaustible energy resource is more than desirable. It is necessary. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that free energy must be able to be transferred to its surroundings. It completes thermodynamic work and lives in an open system. Solar and wind energies fall under this law. However, other forms of energy are found at a specific point in time and in measurable quantities. These energies are in a closed system and are restricted by the Law of Conservation of Energy. This means they are entropic and subjected to the principles of thermodynamics. They are not unlimited. Oil and gas fall into this category. Now, the meaning of free energy is clear. Neutrinos must be classified into one of the two previously mentioned categories. No one is saying that they can transcend the laws of physics. However, there is hope in their power. They are believed to be in an open system, and they are constantly being fed by cosmic radiation which provides boundless amounts of energy.

The sun and other types of cosmic radiation offer mankind a promising future.

By following the laws of physics, researchers in Germany are creating practical applications to utilize neutrino energy. The Neutrino Energy Group is also hoping to develop products for daily use. Products such as neutrino power cubes, cells, and power stations should appear soon. Sadly, the energy may not be completely free of charge. Development and research come at a cost. As of now, it is thought that the devices will be the main purchase. However, it is well worth it for the health of the planet and its inhabitants.

Limited Versus Renewable Energy

Thankfully, many coal, oil, and natural gas power plants are shutting down. Their operation contributes to massive amounts of pollution. Global warming is accelerating at an alarming rate because of this contamination. Society is not standing for it anymore. Slowly but surely, these ancient power plants are going extinct. Cosmic radiation produces energy with a distinct advantage. It is renewable. Since it comes from the universe, there is an exponential supply. On the flip side, fossil fuels are taken from the Earth. They will quickly be depleted. The current challenges that face society seem daunting. Free and renewable energy must be secured. Once this is accomplished, the transition away from outdated forms of limited energy can be completed. Now is the time to embrace the use of the universe’s unlimited energy supply. Society must welcome newer methods of converting cosmic radiation into electricity. It may not be free of charge, but it will be more cost-effective and widely available than current methods.

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