The Neutrino Energy Group cooperates with a worldwide team of scientists and various international research centers, which deal with application research, the conversion of invisible radiation spectra of the sun, among other things the neutrinos (high-energy particles, which ceaselessly reach the earth) in electric power. Is renewable energy hurting
Everyone agrees that renewable energy is the way of the future. Fossil fuels hurt the environment, and while nobody knows how much coal, oil and natural gas are left in the world, we all know that our fossil fuel supply isn’t infinite. Currently, however, the renewable energy industry is caught in
To wean humanity off fossil fuels, environmental activists, entrepreneurs, and government agencies are looking everywhere for renewable energy solutions to power humanity’s future. In most parts of the world, solar and wind power are the most popular types of alternative energy, but both of these renewable electricity sources have detractors
Are Electric Vehicles Making Pollution Worse? Neutrino Energy Presents the Solution Called the ‚Pi Automobile‘ India’s incoming finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, recently announced that this semi-industrialized nation of nearly 1.5 billion souls will now be offering tax incentives for consumers who buy electric cars. Since seven out of the 10 cities