How Neutrino Energy Helps Prevent Deindustrialization

The history of the human race is a story of gradual progress. Thousands of years ago, fire was the most advanced invention that human beings had access to, and throughout the long saga of social evolution, people have gradually developed better and better technologies that have improved quality of life all over the globe.

Recently, however, some prominent voices have started second-guessing the benefits of industrialization. While the Industrial Revolution brought with it incredible inventions that have made life easier and more rewarding for everyone, but technological sophistication has had unexpected drawbacks. Environmental pollution continues unabated, and some scientists suspect that our industrial triumphs might make the Earth uninhabitable within a matter of decades.

Answers to current dilemmas won’t be found by going backward, however. The only way out of this mess is forward, and new technologies need to be created that solve current energy-related environmental and geopolitical issues. Amid all the worrying factors associated with the industrial age, new engineering triumphs are poised to solve the problems of the present and pave the way to the future.
Commercial Air Travel Is a Huge Polluter

Currently, people all around the world rely on commercial aircraft to get from place to place. As recently as a hundred years ago, the idea that an average person could fly from continent to continent within a matter of hours would have seemed like sheer lunacy. These days, however, commercial air travel is accessible to billions of people, but the jet fuel that is used to keep commercial aircraft in the air releases a huge amount of carbon into the atmosphere.
Private Jets Are Even Worse

While private jets use less jet fuel than large commercial airliners, these luxurious aircraft pollute more per person because they usually aren’t filled to capacity. Private air travel epitomizes the dream of flying freely through the skies that the human race has cherished for centuries, but according to a new article in The Independent, the average private airplane occupant adds 860 kg of CO2 to the atmosphere per flight.
Should We Ban All Planes?

Recently, some extremists within government both in the United States and abroad have suggested that banning all air travel that uses jet fuel might be a solution to the environmental crisis caused by commercial airplanes. Critics of these policies, however, point out that banning air travel would essentially send humanity back into the stone age; high-speed underwater trains are still decades away from being viable technologies, and until that point, people would simply lose the capacity for free travel that has been such an essential hallmark of life in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The Dangers of Environmentally-Driven Deindustrialization

While the recent initiatives to ban air travel and curtail some of the other dangerous excesses of industrialized culture might be based on altruistic reasoning, there’s no denying that moving humanity backward would have disastrous consequences. The human race is by no means in a stable situation; every minor alteration to the status quo threatens to plunge the world into chaos, and taking extreme steps like banning fossil fuels would erase the gains of the industrial era almost overnight.

Additionally, it’s worth pointing out that it’s mostly Western countries that emphasize the merits of banning fossil fuels or curtailing the use of commercial air travel. At the same time, however, China is the world’s biggest polluter and user of fossil fuels, and if the Western countries suddenly stopped using these polluting substances, they would suddenly be at a crippling economic disadvantage against this fascist dictatorship. Banning fossil fuels altogether or even stigmatizing commercial air travel would all but guarantee the ascendancy of China, which scoffs at the rest of the world’s emphasis on environmentalism, to the status of the Earth’s lone superpower.
Neutrinovoltaics and Other Renewable Energy Sources Are the Solutions

Instead of deindustrializing, one must „re-industrialize“ by embracing the future’s technologies today. Recently, the concept of „neutrinovoltaics“ has been making waves around the world. Ever since the 2015 discovery that energy could be harvested from these ethereal particles, scientists in various nations have been hard at work engineering technologies that can put this breakthrough into practical use.

Within a few short years, neutrino-derived electricity will join the ranks of solar and wind energy as one of the most promising renewable energy sources of the future. Unlike wind and solar power, however, devices that generate neutrino energy can operate at any time of day and in any environmental conditions, which makes this energy source especially relevant in the arena of passenger air travel.
The Neutrino Energy Group: Pioneering the Next Generation of Energy

As an alliance between German and American energy scientists, the Neutrino Energy Group represents the cutting edge of neutrinovoltaic research and technology development. Headed by renowned renewable energy pioneer Holger Thorsten Schubart, the Neutrino Energy Group is hard at work developing consumer-level and industrial neutrinovoltaic technologies that will be able to supplement wind and solar energy as humanity moves into a post-fossil-fuel era.

Our reliance on fossil fuels can’t last forever, but the way in which we break off our relationship with these polluting substances is all-important. Instead of casting humanity back into an age of darkness, it’s critical to embrace neutrino energy and propel humanity into an era of endless light.

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