Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, have revolutionized the way we process data and access the internet. With nothing more than the smartphone in your pocket, you can run a business, learn a language, or interact with your friends, family, and peers with hitherto unimaginable convenience and efficiency. Despite their
This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we feature four fabulous women at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermilab who are pushing at the frontiers of particle physics. Kirsty Duffy, Jessica Esquivel, Anna Grassellino and Jen Raaf shared with the world their passion for science over the last
Abstract Integrating two-dimensional (2D) materials into semiconductor manufacturing lines is essential to exploit their material properties in a wide range of application areas. However, current approaches are not compatible with high-volume manufacturing on wafer level. Here, we report a generic methodology for large-area integration of 2D materials by adhesive wafer
The Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope is located at Lake Baikal and is designated for registration of the Cherenkov radiation, a pale fluorescence emerging in water or other transparent medium due to charged particles. In the Baikal water the Cherenkov radiation occurs due to neutrinos coming from space
Human beings can only prosper when they have adequate access to energy. A few centuries ago, energy derived from wood fires, waterways, and muscles could power every type of technology in existence. Steady access to electrical energy is necessary to maintain our modern technological lifestyles. Going off the grid has
Every modern form of energy production causes considerable pollution. Fossil fuels pollute soil and waterways with toxic byproducts, and fossil fuel emissions cause air pollution all around the world. Even conventional renewable energy technologies cause considerable pollution. Solar panels only last 30 years at most, and discarded photovoltaic arrays contain
SCGSR Awardee Jacob Zettlemoyer, Indiana University Bloomington, led data analysis and worked with ORNL’s Mike Febbraro on coatings, shown under blue light, to shift argon light to visible wavelengths to boost detection. Credit: Rex Tayloe/Indiana University
Photovoltaic energy was discovered in the mid-19th century. It wasn’t until more than a century later, however, that solar panels found their first practical application in space exploration. Even then, critics lampooned the idea that photovoltaic devices could ever serve as reliable energy production technologies down here on Earth. Today,
Abstract We consider the Standard Model with three right-handed neutrinos to generate tiny neutrino masses by the seesaw mechanism. Especially, we investigate the case when one right-handed neutrino has the suppressed Yukawa coupling constants. Such a particle has a long lifetime and can produce an additional entropy by the decay.
Neutrinos are born during the process of nuclear fusion in the sun and thus, the sun is the source of most of the neutrinos that are passing through the atmosphere at any moment. It is estimated that about 100 billion solarneutrinospass through our thumbnail every second. Neutrinos were first detected